WhatsApp Record: WhatsApp Call Recorder App Play Store

So far you have seen many applications, but this one is different from all of them. Yes, it can record all the conversations you have on your social media site, and those call records can be a great source of future reference.

For example, this WhatsApp Record application is available on Google Play Store and has been downloaded by a million people as a very special example, with this application you can easily record your WhatsApp conversations.

For example, it is useful to know what you talked about and who you talked to. As this is an application published by the Google play store, everyone downloads and uses it without hesitation.

However, the Google Play Store only publishes applications that have followed this policy and are more concerned about the welfare of users. So, let’s see this WhatsApp Record application clearly.

WhatsApp Record App Play Store

App RoleWhatsApp
ReferGoogle Play Store
OfferSparkling Design and Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Download (Nowadays)1M+
Developer Contactsupport@sparklingapps.com
WhatsApp Record App
WhatsApp Record App

How does WhatsApp Record App work?

As we mentioned earlier in the article, this is a WhatsApp call recorder application that allows you to record your WhatsApp conversations, which you can save as a resource.

That is, when you talk to someone, it helps to remember what you talked about and what you talked about.

And now they have started talking more and more through WhatsApp, getting an opportunity to record it and keep it is extra special, and that special thing is available through play store which means security.

How to install WhatsApp Record App?

WhatsApp Record application has already been installed by more than one million people, it is better to install it the same way they followed, only then we will get the original application (following the Google policy) and the future update.

Take advantage of the great opportunities waiting for you below to get all such great power.

WhatsApp Record
WhatsApp Record

Install the application:

Below are two separate options for users installing this WhatsApp Record application:

First Chance: Those who want to install this WhatsApp Record application immediately can go directly to Google Play Store from this article, if you want to do that then the information given in this section is enough, it means you also trust Google Play Store.

Second Chance: The second chance is to go after seeing the WhatsApp Record App developer feedback, it is worth noting that you can go directly from there after seeing what is given there. Click the green button below to get it.

F&Qs: WhatsApp Call Recorder

Why are only my voice recordings captured, and not the other person’s during WhatsApp calls?


A. Use Speakerphone: Some devices record incoming voice when the speakerphone is active.

B. Try Headsets: Plugged-in headsets may help record the incoming voice.

If neither of the above solutions works, check the audio source in the app menu. Most phones can record both sides using the “voice recognition” audio source. Experiment with voice communication, microphone, and voice call sources.

Where can I locate the recorded files?

You can find the recorded files at sd card> Android > data > com. sparkling apps.callrecorder > files.

Does Call Recorder support the automatic recording of WhatsApp calls?

Yes, Call Recorder automatically detects WhatsApp calls and starts recording.

How’s the audio quality of the recordings?

Call Recorder ensures superior audio quality through AI enhancements, delivering clear and audible voices.

Is call recording legal?

Recording calls without the consent of all parties may be illegal in certain regions. Always inform participants before recording.

My device doesn’t seem to support call recording. What should I do?

Not all devices support call recording. Try using the speakerphone feature to improve incoming audio.

How can I improve the audio quality during recordings?

Using the speakerphone can enhance incoming audio quality during recordings.

Can I get assistance if I encounter issues?

Of course! For any questions or problems, reach out to us at support@sparklingapps.com.

Let’s talk about the WhatsApp Record article!

Usually, before we publish a website article, we do a lot of research about the application that the article is talking about and try it out on our mobile. Then we will monitor everything like reviews and star ratings.

That means we design it as our website only after checking all the things and more importantly we source the application only from the world class google play store.

So, it is important to note that every Android application will help you, Google Play Store will find it and remove it when the application is doing something wrong. So, give your donation, use the application if needed, or share it with your neighbors.

Thank you for choosing Call Recorder for your WhatsApp call recording needs. Your satisfaction is our priority!

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Note: All the article you see in this PsApp website section is only the information collected by Play Store based on the date of publication of that article. It also includes the comments of the developer of the application, just for your better understanding.
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